11 Digital Products that Generate at Least $10,000 a Month

Categories : Digital Product

hey all it’s aurelius in this video i’mgoing to share with you 20digital product ideas that you can startright now so whether you’re a creatoran entrepreneur or someone who wants toproductize or turn your skillsknowledge or expertise into a digitalproduct they can keep selling over andover againand this video is for you so keepwatching and let’s get startedtimestamps and any links and resourcesthat i mentioned in this video i’ll link
alright digital product idea number oneis to set up atip jar or a buy me a coffee page here’san example of a buy me a coffeetip jar that i’ve set up right herewhere they can simply donate anyamount to support my channel or my workso they can enter the amount say tendollars leave a note send that tipto set up one of these tip jars it’sreal easy by using a service called kojiin the past i have done tutorials aroundkoji i’ll link up those
so check that out laterin koji use the tip jar template and allyou need to do is fill in atitle and a thank you message as well asa cover photo or videolittle tip here you can personalize andmake a little more funby saying something like buy me a tea orbuy me a pizza so whatever it is thatyou likebeverage or food then you canpersonalize it so rather than saying buyme a coffee you can say buy me a pizza
shout outs or video requestsfor this idea you can utilize koji onceagain byutilizing their shoutout app and here’san example ofone of mine all i’m doing is you knowthey can ask their most burning questionaboutwhatever topic it is that i’m offeringso in this case it’s digital productsbuilding an email list canvaor anything else and then i’ll respondback with a personalized video what you
celebrities also doon cameo.com they offer thesepersonalized video messagesand if you want to request let’s sayhappy birthday toa friend then you can get thisparticular celebrity torecord that video and then you can sendthat off as a little giftmoving on to idea number three which iscreating an online coursethere’s an online course in almost anytopic that you can think about
is this calisthenics courseit’s a video course called projectcalisthenicsand what you’ll learn is how tobasically dofitness and exercises using your bodyweight only and you’ll be able to learnthings like the handstand push up thehuman flagthe planche and the front lever so thisis what they’re offering as an onlinecourseanother online course that i recently
master youtube online course andessentially he teaches you how to starta youtube channel and also grow it thisonline course in particular offers 27lessons so most of themare in video form and you’ll be able togo through each one and you can see whatyou’ve completed and what you still needto go through so when thinking aboutyour online course that you want tocreatethink about what skills or expertise youcan get across
give you some examples you can take alook atudemy or skillshare to see what onlinecourses are offered online already bythe way if you’re liking this content sofar i’d appreciate if you give thisvideo a thumbs up the next digitalproduct ideais one that’s highly common and that ise-booksyou can create an e-book around anon-fiction or fiction topic it’sentirely up to you
tools such as canvain this example you can see that i’vegot my launch your email list ebookand from here i can download it as a pdfdocumentwhich is what you want and then what youwant to deliver to your customers andsell it throughyour website on social media if you wantto learn step by step how to create ane-book in canva i do have anothertutorial which i’ll link up in a cardright here and in the description box
to sellexclusive articles or blog posts someexamples would be in-depth reportsyou’ve got recipesmaybe short stories and written coursesthat you can putand you can also use koji’s exclusivearticles kojitemplate and as stated on the page allyou need to do is to set the title addthe content set a price and shareeverywhere the next idea is to selllocked photos or videos do you have any
you want to selland don’t normally sell publicly wellyou can use kogi’slocked photo or video koji template youcan grant access to behind the scenescontent reveal a secret locationsend a page only invitation to an eventlet people unlock a surprisesell early access to a music video orsell your joke of the dayor stand up routine the next digitalproduct idea is to sell a gated link ora protected
digital product idea you can see fromthis example i’m selling thisyoutube content calendar that’sbasically a notion template all i needto do is to unlock this link forseven dollars make the payment andthey’re good to goonce again i’m going to refer to kojisince they offer this kind oftool to basically protect and sell anylinks that you want tonow it doesn’t have to be a notiontemplate it could be anything that you
any link and some additional ideas asstated on their website you can lock upa guide for others to view uh share ahidden deal fromone of your sponsors and all kinds ofthings like that continuing on thesenext few digital product ideas will bebased around templates and swipes whichare really popular these daysso let me share some of those with youso digital product idea number eight issellingluts and presets this is hugely popular
photographershere’s one example that i can share withyou and this is from olyathese luts and presets uh the colorgrading that they useon their videos to get that certaincinematic lookor it could be presets for lightroomso with this example you can see beforeandafter applying that particular lut ofcourse this isn’t for everyone but ifyou currently do have your own settings
selling that to your audience the nextdigital product idea is to createand sell social media prompts one of thebiggest challenges and i know for myselfis creating content for social media sofor my instagram and facebook thingslike thatyou know what kinds of things can youwrite about what kinds of captions andvideo pieces can you create theseprinciples act as inspiration sothat they know what to post examplewould be
madearound this topic so those that’s justoneprompt that you could insert in a partof a calendar that youoffer so you could put this together ina calendar format soeach day you write a prompt so thatexamplelike uh five mistakes that you madearound this topicand then five things that you did writeyou know on the next day
id and that’s to sell pre-writtensocial media captions now this isdifferent uhto the previous tip which was socialmedia prompts because with the captionsisyou know you have this social mediacaptions pre-written so you have a setof it depending onthe niche the subject or the topicthat’s something for you todecide on based on your audience soinstead of offering prompts you’re
pre-written captions that’s alreadywritten right you can either get awriter to do it or you can write it fromscratchbut the whole aim of writing thesepre-written social media captions is tosavetime for your customers so they don’tneed to think about what to writeof course it wouldn’t be good to justoffer the captions or to post thosecaptions as isthey will need to personalize and
product idea number 11 is tooffer white label or private labelcontent now what is white labelor private label content well the way ilike to think of it is if you were toget some t-shirts printed butwith your brand you would source outsome sort of a manufacturer to get itprintedso you would basically set your brand onit even thoughthis t-shirt is being sold to many otherbrands
what you would do is offer white labelor private labelcontent so with white label content allyour customers need to do is to downloadthe actualpre-written content and then they canput their brand orauthor name on the actual content infact this is one of my businesses and ifyou go to unstoppableplr.com you’ll finda range ofebooks with private label rights thenext digital product idea is to sell
notion is a workspaceproject management system that allowsyou to basically organize all yourprojects and your to-do’sin one location here’s an example that ican share with you we’ve got a mealplanneressentially what they’re going to get orthe customer is going to get is a mealplan right you’ve got meal plans righthere you’ve got the ingredients that yourequire and instructions for it here’sanother example of a notion template
helps the avid gardener keep track ofwhere they last watered or when theyseededor when they can harvest their crops iwant to give you another example ofselling notion templates we’ve got adashboard or a home page that one can goto and refer back to all the time and ican easily sell this really i can sellthis template and that’s a digitalproduct idea right therespeaking of templates the next digitalproduct idea is to sell
share your designs astemplates and here’s an example we’vegot a presentationlet’s say we want to sell this as atemplate and offer it toour customers to enable the sharestemplate all you need to do is toclick on the share button and at thebottom here you can simply clickthe down arrow and share a link to useas a template and then what you’ll dothenis to copy the link and that’s the link
your customers will then be able to openthis particular templatein their canva account and then modifyanything they want of that canvatemplate if you want a detailedstep-by-step tutorial on how to createand seal camera templates i do have atutorial on that i’ll link up a cardright here to that and in thedescription box below the next digitalproduct idea is to sell brandingtemplatesbasically what you want to do is to sell
branding right so you’ve got businesscard templatesin this example from creative market youcan create thesesorts of templates and sell it here’sanotherexample we’ve got a particular socialmedia templatein this case with a youtube branding kitin this package you’re going to geta channel art templates like here andsome other things that match thebranding like the
to start if you want to get some ideasand inspiration is to go tocreative market go under templates andthen you can see right here you’ve gotbusiness cardsbrochures flyers logos magazinesstationingemail templates all these kinds ofthings so that youryou can get some ideas in terms ofbranding templatesmoving on the next digital product ideais to sell copywriting templates
page copy email campaign copyand facebook ad copy those kinds ofthings whatever it is that has to dowithwriting for the purpose of advertisingand marketing that’s what you callcopywriting an example of someone that’soffering copywriting templates is fromyannick silvaand i know this isn’t the most prettiestpage but he has been selling this forsomething like 20 years or so and i wasa customer back then when i started
online marketing and these substantiallyhelped me in terms of writinga sales copy for my products that iwanted to sellwhat you’re going to get 19 completewebsite sales letter templatesso these will help you in terms ofknowing what to put such as theheadline the pre-headline thesub-headline the body the opening thingslike that so how do you know what to putthat’s where this kind of product comesin the next digital product idea is to
if you head to etsy search for printableyou get quite a few ideas here we’ve gota printable planner wallart cards art stickers quotesprints calendars so let’s say printableplanner we’ll go thereget some inspiration from there ofcourse don’t copy any of these use yourown creativity and imagination to putyours together just by checking a few ofthese you can seewhat they’re offering the ultimate lifechanger you’ve got a workbook template
canva a printable summer planner 500happy planner printable template sothese are all downloadablemeaning they of course once theypurchase they can just download itget instant access to these uh templatesand if you choose to you can also sellit onetsy too the next digital product ideais to start apaid newsletter so you could do thingslike an in-depthreports or insights about your niche
or your industry you could share behindthe scenes content that onlypaid newsletter subscribers have accesstoand you can even curate some content andput that all togetherin a neat kind of form so paid customersget it allin one digest the next digital productidea is to sell plansthese may include workout plans socialmedia marketing plansbusiness plans and even meal prep plans
saveyour customers time so they don’t needto come up with let’s saya workout plan they’ve got this regimethat can they can followand they can get results from followingyour plan next up you’ve got appsand software you can create softwarepretty much around anything anddelegate outsource it to a developer iwould recommend using a service calledupwork to find a developer based on yourbudget of course
all the features created all at once iwould start with the core of the productor in other words the minimumviable product as you get more and morefeedback and more users actually usingyour product your service tool orsoftware thenthat’s where you can make thoseimprovements now the last and finaldigital product idis to sell digital ad space essentiallywhat this is is if you’ve got a websiteor a blog that’s currently getting
on your let’s say sidebar or at the topof your pagecharge them for it for their banner tobe featured on there but one of theeasiest and fastest ways to implementthis kind of thing is actually sell adspace on your link inbio page koji’s actually got an app forthis called billboard i’m not currentlyusingthis but here’s my linkedin buyer page icould sell ad spaceon this page because i’m currently
anotherway to monetize your linkedin buyer pageand it’s easy to dowith their billboard app so that prettymuch sums up the 20 digital productideas they can start right now one ofthe things i want to mentionis that you can house many of thesedigital product ideason your koji link in bio page as you cansee with my page i’ve gotmy ask me which is the shout outs or thevideo request
the buyme a coffee one right here and of coursei’m selling my youtube content calendarnotion template right here which againis integrated with koji i simply use thelink locker appand all i need to do is unlock the linkfor seven dollarsso it’s all integrated on this one pageworks seamlesslyand you’re not taken out of this page sothat’s a great thing about using koji toget your free account off koji be sure
sign up and then set up your link in bioas well as your digital productsright inside koji and there you have ithope you got value from this video andif you did be sure to give this video athumbs uplet me know also in the comments whichof these ideasis your favorite and which ones you’llbe implementing nextthanks so much for watching and be sureto stick around to watch these nextrelevant videos

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